For Dhammagiri Children to be sustainable, we need your support. Donations go directly towards the children’s food, educational expenses (school fees and miscellaneous fees), living expenses (clothes, medicine, transport), and salaries of staff (cook, driver, teacher) at Dhammagiri Children .
法山孩子生活的持续,需要您的支持。所有的善款将用来支付孩子们的餐食 、 教育费用(学费及杂费)和生活费(衣、医药、交通等)。
Annual sponsorship for a child is S$1,500 or RM 4,500. We also welcome partial sponsorships of S$500 or RM 1,500 and any amounts.
每年助养一名孩子是 S$1,500 或 RM 4,500。我们也欢迎的部分助养如 每年S$500 或 RM 1,500,和任何款项。
Children Sponsorship Application Form 法山孩童助养人资料表格:
When we are generous, we relinquish self-centredness. Instead of always doing something for "I", we consider "others".
In that process, a pure joy arises.
In that process, a pure joy arises.
As the "I" diminishes, we journey with wisdom - letting go of what is dear to us and the seed of Non-Self is planted.
布施让我们学习缩小自我。 从以 “我” 为中心、转向为“他人”的利益付出。这过程中, 清净无染的喜悦心将怡然而升。
舍弃“自我”,可以长养我们的智慧。 – 学习放下我所爱、我所执,让心 植入了“无我”的新芽。
诚然, 能舍才能得,故名"舍得"。 舍下坚贪、舍下自我,得到了放下后的安稳与寂静。
诚然, 能舍才能得,故名"舍得"。 舍下坚贪、舍下自我,得到了放下后的安稳与寂静。