Ajahn Cagino 永觉比丘
Ajahn Cagino was born in Malaysia in 1967 and graduated from the Malaysian Institute of Art . Over the course of his career as a professional photographer from the age of 22 to 27, he received as many as 40 photography awards, and in 1990 won the inaugural Asian Photography competition.
At 29 years old, he went to forest monasteries in Thailand and New Zealand to seek the Dhamma. In 1997, he became a novice at Ang Hock See Temple in Penang. 18 months later, he left for Thailand, and went forth with Ajahn Ganha as his preceptor.
In 2004, he was re-ordained at Ajahn Chah's international forest monastery Wat Pah Nanachat.
Over the years, he has wandered some 4000km in Thailand. During his wanders, he came across the orphans of the minority tribes in Mae Hong Son whom he found to be kind and pure at heart. He felt that the children could contribute to the society with proper guidance and education. Hence he founded the Dhammagiri Foundation as a Buddhist orphanage for hilltribe orphans, awarding sponsorships and organizing meditation retreats to help them.
Since 2011, he has been giving Dhamma talks and conducting meditation retreats in Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan and Indonesia etc.
He is now the abbot of the Mae Hong Son Sangharama and spiritual advisor of Nibbana Dhamma Rakkha in Singapore.
Ajahn Cagino was born in Malaysia in 1967 and graduated from the Malaysian Institute of Art . Over the course of his career as a professional photographer from the age of 22 to 27, he received as many as 40 photography awards, and in 1990 won the inaugural Asian Photography competition.
In 2004, he was re-ordained at Ajahn Chah's international forest monastery Wat Pah Nanachat.
Over the years, he has wandered some 4000km in Thailand. During his wanders, he came across the orphans of the minority tribes in Mae Hong Son whom he found to be kind and pure at heart. He felt that the children could contribute to the society with proper guidance and education. Hence he founded the Dhammagiri Foundation as a Buddhist orphanage for hilltribe orphans, awarding sponsorships and organizing meditation retreats to help them.
Since 2011, he has been giving Dhamma talks and conducting meditation retreats in Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan and Indonesia etc.
He is now the abbot of the Mae Hong Son Sangharama and spiritual advisor of Nibbana Dhamma Rakkha in Singapore.
永觉比丘在1967年出生于马来西亚,毕业于马来西亚艺术学院 。他22岁至27岁是一位专业的摄影师,曾获40余项摄影奖,1990年荣获首届亚洲摄影比赛的冠军奖项。
他29岁时因为寻求佛法而前去泰国和新西兰的丛林寺院参学。1997年, 他在槟城洪福寺出家当了一年半的沙弥。一年半后,他前往泰国,依止Ajahn Ganha正式出家。在2004年,他到 Ajahn Chah训练外国弟子的国际丛林(Wat Pah Nanachat)重新受戒。
在云水行脚的岁月,他在泰国东、南、西、北部行脚不少于4000公里。在这段日子里他发现泰北美宏颂山地少数民族(难民)的一群孤儿们,非常的善良和纯真,若能教育引导向善必能对社会有所贡献。因此,他成为「法山基金会」发起人,为湄宏順边陲山区的孤儿建立佛化儿童之家 、颁发助学金、举办禅修营等来协助山地贫困的孩子们。
自2011年以来, 他 在新、马、台、泰、印等地, 弘扬佛法及指导禅修。他 现任泰国美宏颂僧伽林寺住持以及新加坡护法苑宗教导师。
自2011年以来, 他 在新、马、台、泰、印等地, 弘扬佛法及指导禅修。他 现任泰国美宏颂僧伽林寺住持以及新加坡护法苑宗教导师。