Ajahn Cagino first chanced upon the underprivileged hill tribes of Mae Hong Son during his Tudong (wandering) days. With gratitu de and compassion, he planted the seeds for an orphanage-cum-Dhamma centre so that the kids could be cared for and the Dhamma kept alive in this north-western part of Thailand.
Once an award-winning photographer in Malaysia, Ajahn Cagino had captured the life of Tudong monks with a simple camera during his own ractice. That allowed him to donate his photographs to the Dhammagiri Foundation – whose purpose was to raise funds for the Dhammagiri Centre. These photographs were then exhibited in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand, where many soon came to know of the Dhammagiri project and offered to help.
From drawing board to construction, this has been a journey of generosity and loving-kindness. A path walked not by one monk, but by many who have joined in. You are one of them.
永觉比丘~一个泰国行脚僧。因缘和合,足迹湄弘顺。有感山地孩子苦, 他以一颗感恩的心,一个慈悲的愿, 为山地民族植入了法的新芽,造就儿童院兼佛法中心。 孩子们有了遮风港,正法在泰国西北山域里亮了起。
出家前曾赢获殊荣的著名摄影师, 他重新拿起摄影机, 为的是给泰国行脚僧写历史。后来永觉比丘将摄影作品捐献给法山基金会,作为募款用途。 法山基金会相续在马来西亚、新加坡、印尼及泰国 承辦系列摄影展,从此掀开了行脚僧的神秘面纱, 凝聚了各个领域的护法善士,落实了所谓的教富济贫。
从平面图到建筑工程, 这是个悲智交会的旅程。一个行脚僧,一步一脚印, 凝聚了千千万万的法缘, 在这法山使命行列里。 您就是其中的一个。